sábado, 16 de maio de 2009

Bebê de Phoebe (VIDA REAL OU H2O?)

Algumas fotos de Phoebe e um bebê apareceram na internet. Será que o bebê faz parte da 3ª Temporada, ou é dela mesmo?

1 opniões.:

Unknown disse...

olla Phoebe Tonkin that's okay with you? a kiss for you and your entire team h2o just add water one day I know you know Australia is part of the team h2o just add water but it does so will be able to accomplish if I want God to the hands of God please come visit Brazil you Cariba Heine claire holt angus mclaren charlotte igor exe kin, etc. I'm sorry but do not know the name of Igor exe kin charlotte so know the law of your Cariba Heine claire holt angus mclaren will all have enough dreams to come with you ca and take me with my family to Australia for me to be one of the sirens of 3rd 4th 5th 6th ... Seasonal send me messages a kiss from his number 1 fan kathyelle hope that you read with care and send me messages not to send send me fondly as I had a kiss from his number 1 fan kathyelle my name is kathy